Bed Bugs
About bed bugs
There are two main types of bed bug. The most common bed bugs are the Common bed bug, found in dwellings, and the Martin bug, which normally lives in birds’ nests but can bite people.
Why are bed bugs a pest?
Bed bugs are not known to be frequent carriers of disease but they can create problems for humans because of the irritation they cause if they bite.They breed by laying eggs that usually hatch after about 10 to 20 days. The bugs then grow                                                    Â
through a series of stages. At each stage they
need to feed on blood, until they become
adults after about nine to 18 weeks.
Bugs are found in the seams of mattresses, Â
soft furnishings, cracks in walls and around
door frames where they hide when not feeding.
The service PESTGUARD can offer youÂ
• A pest control ‘Code of Practice’ is available for the occupiers of the property upon request before the pest control officer visits the property.
• We carry out bed bug treatments in domestic properties only. The treatment consists of spraying an insecticide on to surfaces where the bed bugs crawl. The insecticide works rapidly and kills most insects on contact. It will continue to work for up to two months, so you should not clean it off until after all the bed bugs are dead. It is recommended that you vacuum all carpets before the treatment and avoid vacuuming again for at least two weeks, but leave the vacuum cleaner to hand for the pest technician to check over.
• The pest control officer will also provide onsite advice regarding children and pet safety together with general housekeeping advice.
You will usually notice a reduction in the number of bed bugs within two to three days. It may take longer to kill off all the insects as their eggs will continue to hatch out. The treatment is very effective but there are occasions when it does not work. If you are still seeing bed bugs three weeks after the treatment please let us know and we will come and re-treat.
About the treatmentÂ
The insecticides that Pestguard use are the safest available and do not pose any risk to people or pets. The exception to this is fish, which have similar body structures to insects. You will, however, be left with an information sheet about the insecticide used by the operative. (Data Sheet)
If you have bed bugs then call Pestguard today for a free no obligation quote.
pictures taken from a infested bed  and bed frame
Posted in: BED BUGS
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Brian at PestGuard is incredibly knowledgeable on this subject and helpful too! He knows so much that as soon as you start talking to him you feel more relaxed. It’s not an easy problem to deal with but thanks to companies like Pestguard – a winning solution is achievable in a short space of time. I discovered, to my horror, a bedbug infestation at an apartment I had rented. I am now in the clear and expecting to keep it that way thank you to Brian and Pestguard’s help and assistance. Extremely competent and prompt service from people who care. This is a company you can trust. Laure
Thank you for that Laura , we like to think that we are able to help anyone who has a pest problem , no mater what it is , no matter how far away it is , we are here too help .